Presenting Partner
Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA)
The Canadian Media Producers Association is the national advocacy organization for independent producers, representing hundreds of companies engaged in the development, production, and distribution of English-language content made for television, cinema, and digital media channels. We work to promote the continued success of the Canadian production sector and to ensure a bright future for the diverse content made by our members for both domestic and international audiences.
Programming Partners

Directors Guild of Canada in Ontario
The Directors Guild of Canada Ontario (DGC Ontario) is a provincial labour organization representing over 3,000 key creative and operational specialists and their assistants working in the following departments: Directors, Assistant Directors, Production Managers, Locations, Production Designers/Art, Accounting, Picture and Sound Editorial as well as Post-Supervision. DGC Ontario secures work opportunities for its Members, represents their interests through the negotiation and administration of collective agreements, and engages in extensive industry advocacy and lobbying activities at the provincial and municipal levels.

William F. White International Inc.
Founded in 1963, William F. White International Inc. (WFW), a Sunbelt Rentals company, is Canada's most iconic provider of production equipment to the entertainment industry. With offices across the country, the company services productions of all sizes from coast to coast and houses an extensive state-of-the-art inventory, including camera, lighting, grip, power, specialty equipment, location support, virtual production volumes, and over 1.4 million square feet of production-ready studio properties, in addition to a 23-acre Backlot situated on a 90-acre plot of land complete with 30 storefronts and five interior sets.

Bell Fund / Fonds Bell
About Bell Fund - Bell Fund supports Canadian media content makers in creating for and connecting with, audiences here and everywhere.
À propos du Fonds Bell - Le Fonds Bell soutient la création et la production de contenu médiatique canadien destiné à des auditoires tant ici qu’à l’étranger.
À propos du Fonds Bell - Le Fonds Bell soutient la création et la production de contenu médiatique canadien destiné à des auditoires tant ici qu’à l’étranger.

Boat Rocker
Boat Rocker (TSX: BRMI) is the home for creative visionaries. An independent, integrated global entertainment company, Boat Rocker’s purpose is to tell stories and build iconic brands across all genres and mediums. With offices around the world, Boat Rocker’s creative and commercial capabilities include Scripted, Unscripted, and Kids & Family television production, distribution, brand & franchise management, a world-class animation studio, and talent management through Untitled Entertainment. A selection of Boat Rocker’s projects include: Invasion (Apple TV+), Orphan Black (BBC AMERICA, CTV Sci-Fi Channel), Dear…(Apple TV+), Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry (Apple TV+), The Next Step (BBC, Family Channel, CBC), Daniel Spellbound (Netflix), and Dino Ranch (Disney+, Disney Junior, CBC). For more information, please visit

NABET 700-M UNIFOR represents almost 3,000 Film, Television, and New Media Technicians across 14 different behind-the-scenes departments in the Province of Ontario. Find out more about working with our talented membership on your next production at

Telefilm Canada
As a Partner of Choice, Telefilm Canada is a Crown corporation dedicated to the success of Canada’s audiovisual industry, fostering access and excellence by delivering programs that support cultural resonance and audience engagement. With a lens of equity, inclusivity and sustainability, Telefilm bolsters dynamic companies and a range of creative talent at home and around the world. Telefilm also makes recommendations regarding the certification of audiovisual coproduction treaties to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, and administers the programs of the Canada Media Fund. Launched in 2012, the Talent Fund raises private donations which principally support emerging talent. Visit and follow us on Twitter at and on Facebook at
En tant que Partenaire de choix, Téléfilm Canada est une société d’État vouée à la réussite de l’industrie audiovisuelle canadienne, qui favorise l’accès et l’excellence en offrant des programmes qui appuient la résonance culturelle et l’engagement du public. Téléfilm soutient les entreprises dynamiques et les talents créatifs au pays et dans le monde, en considérant toujours ses objectifs d’équité, d’inclusion et de durabilité. De plus, elle formule des recommandations auprès du ministère du Patrimoine canadien concernant la certification des coproductions audiovisuelles régies par des traités, et elle administre les programmes du Fonds des médias du Canada. Lancé en 2012, le Fonds des talents accepte des dons privés qui servent principalement à soutenir les talents émergents.
En tant que Partenaire de choix, Téléfilm Canada est une société d’État vouée à la réussite de l’industrie audiovisuelle canadienne, qui favorise l’accès et l’excellence en offrant des programmes qui appuient la résonance culturelle et l’engagement du public. Téléfilm soutient les entreprises dynamiques et les talents créatifs au pays et dans le monde, en considérant toujours ses objectifs d’équité, d’inclusion et de durabilité. De plus, elle formule des recommandations auprès du ministère du Patrimoine canadien concernant la certification des coproductions audiovisuelles régies par des traités, et elle administre les programmes du Fonds des médias du Canada. Lancé en 2012, le Fonds des talents accepte des dons privés qui servent principalement à soutenir les talents émergents.

Banque Nationale / National Bank
Forte d’un actif de 356 milliards de dollars au 31 octobre 2021, la Banque Nationale du Canada, avec ses filiales, est l’un des plus importants groupes financiers intégrés canadiens. Elle compte plus de 26 000 employés dans des fonctions à contenu élevé de savoir, et a été maintes fois primée pour ses qualités d’employeur et son engagement à l’égard de la diversité.
With $356 billion in assets as at October 31, 2021, National Bank of Canada, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of Canada's leading integrated financial groups. It has more than 26,000 employees in knowledge-intensive positions and has been recognized numerous times as a top employer and for its commitment to diversity.
With $356 billion in assets as at October 31, 2021, National Bank of Canada, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of Canada's leading integrated financial groups. It has more than 26,000 employees in knowledge-intensive positions and has been recognized numerous times as a top employer and for its commitment to diversity.

Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision du Québec (BCTQ) / Québec Film and Television Council (QFTC)
Créé en 2006, le BCTQ est un organisme sans but lucratif qui contribue au développement et à la compétitivité du Québec comme centre de production-multiécran de calibre international. En tant qu’agence de développement économique, il a la mission de générer des investissements en territoire québécois en s’appuyant sur des programmes d’incitatifs fiscaux compétitifs, le savoir-faire des membres de la filière, la diversité architecturale, la qualité des infrastructures et la capacité de l’industrie à exporter ses produits sur les marchés étrangers.
Founded in 2006, the QFTC is a non-profit organization that contributes to the development and competitiveness of Quebec as a world-class multi-screen production hub. As an economic development agency, its mission is to generate investments in Quebec by leveraging competitive tax incentive programs, the expertise of its industry members, the province’s architectural diversity, the quality of its infrastructure and the industry’s ability to export its products to foreign markets.
Founded in 2006, the QFTC is a non-profit organization that contributes to the development and competitiveness of Quebec as a world-class multi-screen production hub. As an economic development agency, its mission is to generate investments in Quebec by leveraging competitive tax incentive programs, the expertise of its industry members, the province’s architectural diversity, the quality of its infrastructure and the industry’s ability to export its products to foreign markets.

Independent Production Fund
The Independent Production Fund was established in 1991 to provide financial support for dramatic television series created by Canadian independent producers for Canadian private broadcasters. In 2010, the IPF expanded its mandate to include an experimental pilot program to finance drama series for the web. This program now continues to support content creators of dramatic short form series created for digital platforms. In addition, in 2020 new funding and support for the development and packaging of scripted short-form series launched. In 2018 the IPF’s financial support for dramatic broadcast television series was also reinstated.

Panavision is the world-class provider of end-to-end solutions that power the creative vision of filmmakers. Panavision’s comprehensive offerings include unparalleled optics, proprietary camera and lighting systems, and state-of-the-art post production services. Driven by a passion for collaborative innovation, Panavision provides the content creation industry with the highest standard of quality and service.

La SODEC a pour mandat de promouvoir et de soutenir le développement des entreprises culturelles au Québec et à l’étranger dans les secteurs du cinéma et de la production télévisuelle, du livre, des métiers d’art, du marché de l’art ainsi que de la musique et des variétés. La SODEC a également le mandat de protéger et de mettre en valeur un parc immobilier patrimonial de 32 immeubles, reflet de l’identité québécoise.
For more information on partnership with the Canadian Academy, contact:
Christine Ciuciura
Senior Manager, Partnerships
Communique avec nous pour obtenir plus d'information on discuter des occasions de partenariat:
Charlotte Burroughs-Désy
Responsable, Partenariats et Développement